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FRESHLY DISTILLED WATER Freshly Distilled Water or “recently distilled water” is produced in the same manner as Distilled Water and should be used soon after its generation. This implies the need to avoid endotoxin contamination, as well as any other forms of contamination from the air or containers, that could arise with prolonged storage. Freshly Distilled Water is used for preparing solutions for subcutaneous test-animal injections and for a reagent solvent in tests for which there appears to be no particularly high water purity needed that could be ascribable to being “freshly distilled”. In the test-animal application, the term “freshly distilled” and its testing use imply a chemical, endotoxin, and microbiological purity that could be equally satisfied by Water for Injection (although no reference is made to these chemical, endotoxin, or microbial attributes or specific protection from recontamination). For non-animal uses, water meeting the requirements for Purified Water derived by other means of purification and/or storage periods could be equally suitable where “recently distilled water” or Freshly Distilled Water is specified. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the suitability of Purified Water or Water for Injection.

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