This Article is important for Fresher, Experienced employee and Employer (Entrepreneur)
In this article, we will understand the Basic Functions of Key departments of the Pharmaceutical Organization.

The requirement of the Department in Industry:
The Key Departments in the pharmaceutical Industry:
Basic Functions of key departments;
I have observed during the interview of the fresher candidate; they have no proper clarity regarding the Basic Functions of a particular department when I ask the question “Why you have applied in The XYZ Department?”, “Why you have chosen the XYZ Department?” or “What you know about XYZ Department?” 95% of Candidates replying “As there is a vacancy...”
I personally feel that there should be no gap between the Education syllabus and the Industrial requirement. The Education system is providing candidates to Industry (for understanding; we can consider Candidate as a Product and Industry as a Customer) as a basic principle of Marketing, the Product should meet Customer Requirement Specification...
To clarify the departmental basic functions of the industry to the Students/Candidates is a moral responsibility of the Academic person and experienced person of the Industry.
I am utilizing this platform for the same, Hopping it will helpful to many Students/Candidates.
The requirement of the Department in Industry:
Based on the Business model of the Company; the workflow should be established.
We will understand by taking the example of a small company who have limited staff (employee); This company has to distribute the work to the employee in such a way so employees can accomplish the work smoothly. The company should not create so many departments at this stage, but as the company is growing they have to reorganize the workflow and departmental role & responsibilities.
The workflow and people (employee) should be organized for efficient utilization of manpower and it should be reviewed periodically; that is the real meaning of the word “Organization”
The Key Departments in the pharmaceutical Industry:
Quality Assurance (QA)
Quality Control (QC)
Microbiology (Micro)
Research / Formulation and Development (R&D or F&D)
Analytical Method Development Laboratory (ADL)
Warehouse (Stores)
Production and Packing
Engineering (Utility)
Human Resources (HR) and Admin
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
Information Technology (IT)
Marketing / Business Development
Supply Chain Management
Basic Functions of the Key Departments:
The functions may vary based on organizational requirements; however, the following basic functions are provided for understanding.
Note: Here I am not providing the definition of the department, the text is content basic functions as per industrial practice.
The detailed information of the functions will be provided in subsequent Articles and/or Short Notes.
Quality Assurance (QA):
This department is an important department of the organization as this department is a requirement of the regulation.
Quality assurance is providing guidance and inculcating the people for the development of quality culture in the organization
The few activities are as follows;
Vendor Qualification
Service agency Qualification
Equipment Qualification
Analyst Qualification
Instrument Calibration
Process Validation
Cleaning Validation
Quality Management System
Change control
Deviation Control
Approval of Analytical Method Validation
Market Complaint Investigation
Risk Management
Corrective Action and Preventive Action
Out of specification investigation and approval
Standard operating procedure development and approval
Stage wise in-process testing
Approval of method of analysis for quality control laboratories
Training of the employee as per good manufacturing practice requirement
Document and data control
Internal Audit
Batch release for the market
Product stability
All the activity where product quality is directly or indirectly involved
Quality Control (QC):
QC function is related to analysis as per validated and approved Method and the result shall be compared with the pre-defined approved specification.
The few activities are as follows;
Maintain laboratory as per Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
Analytical Method Validation
Preparation of Specification and Method of Analysis
Instrument Calibration
Analysis of Raw Material, Packaging Material, Inprocess sample, Finished Goods sample, Stability Sample, Market Complaint Sample, Other samples, etc.
Control Sample Storage
Stability Study
Out of Specification Investigation
Preparation of Certificate of Analysis (CoA)
Microbiology (Micro):
Microbiology department function is also related to Microbiological analysis/testing as per validated and approved Method and the result shall be compared with the pre-defined approved specification.
The Functions are common between QC and Micro like…
Maintain laboratory as per Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
Analytical Method Validation
Preparation of Specification and Method of Analysis
Instrument Calibration
Analysis of Raw Material, Packaging Material, Inprocess sample, Finished Goods sample, Stability Sample, Market Complaint Sample, Other samples, etc.
Out of Specification Investigation
This department is considered as a sub-department of QC in many organizations.
Research / Formulation and Development (R&D or F&D):
The R&D department is involved in research work; search for a new molecule, synthesis and modification of known molecules or some methods to increase productivity by adopting different techniques.
This department is required Highly Knowledgeable candidate, many organizations have their R&D Department.
The F&D department is working on the development of product formulation.
Product development is an essential and first part of the product life cycle.
This department has to carry out the development of a stable product and transfer it to the production department for routine commercial manufacturing
Analytical Method Development Laboratory (ADL):
An analytical method is required to analyze any material or product.
This department is working on the development of the analytical method which is suitable for the instrument available in the laboratory,
The analytical method should be developed considering the parameter of method validation
Typical validation parameters recommended by FDA, USP, and ICH are as follows:
Linearity and Range
Method precision (Repeatability)
Intermediate precision (Ruggedness)
Solution stability
Limit of Detection (LOD)
Limit of Quantification (LOQ)
Warehouse (Stores):
It includes storage of Raw material, Packaging material, ancillary material, intermediate material engineering material, finished goods
The basic functions are as follows;
Maintain Good Storage Practice
Receipt and verification of the material
Segregation of the material at various stages like Quarantine, Under test, Approved Reject
Maintain the recommended storage condition
Reconciliation of the material and stock maintenance
Dispensing of the material
Most of the audit starts from Warehouse; as this department is the starting point as per material flow.
Production and Packing:
This department is the center of business, other departments are supporting or service departments
The basic functions are as follows;
To maintain Good Manufacturing Practices
Manufacturing of the product
Manpower Handling
Maintain Quality of the product at the various production stages
Final Product packing
Preparation of Batch manufacturing and Packing Record
Maintain other records (e.g. Logbook) as per GMP requirement
Engineering (Utility):
This department provides support to increase productivity, Decrease cost by utilizing engineering knowledge.
The Basic Functions of this department are as follows;
Follow the Good Engineering Practice
Maintenance of Building / Facility
Preventive Maintenance of Equipment/Instrument
Breakdown Maintenance
The constant supply of required utility
Water System Handling
HVAC System Handling including AHU, Cooling Tower, Chiller, etc.
Manpower Handling
Human Resources (HR) and Admin:
This department play important role in the organization, as HR is dealing with employee (human).
You can purchase machinery by paying money, but you have to retain humans with you with emotion; you cannot purchase by money for a longer time.
The basic functions of this department are as follows;
Maintain relation with personnel as a representative of management
To follow Act and Rule as per law of land (factory Act, Labour Law, etc.)
Recruitment of Manpower
To aware employee about Personnel Hygiene
Medical checkup of the employee
Maintain a statutory record of the employee like Attendance, Leave, PF, ESI, etc.
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS):
This department is taking care of ...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), pertains to people and organizations behaving and conducting business ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues
Employee Safety at Workplace
The basic functions of this department are as follows
Employee safety at the workplace
Provided training related to fire safety and other safety at the workplace
Provide Fire fighting training
Provide first aid training
Provide training on the emergency evacuation plan to employees and visitors
Conduct mock drill
Environmental safety
Information Technology (IT):
Now a days electronic data is ecencial part of the business.
This department is taking care of following things as per Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirement,
Maintenance of IT infrastructure
Data buckup
Data security
This department is related to commercial operation however, Some Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirement should be taken care by this department as follows,
Vendor identification
Procurement of the required material from the approved vendor list
Ensure material availability as per production planning
Communicate and coordinate with vendor for Vendor Audit and at the time of complaint regarding the material or the product which is manufactured using the material supplied by the vendor.
This department is related to commercial operation.
The basic functions are as follows,
To maintain the commercial transactions
Maintain accounting of the same
Costing of the batch
Supply Chain Management:
This department is responsible for maintain recommended storage condition during transit and storage up to distribution. the storage condition is directly impact to the Product Quality.
In pharmaceutical it is important to maintain track record of the quantity distributed, it is required whenever product needs to be recalled from the market in any unfavorable condition.
The basic functions of the department are as follows,
Follow the good distribution practice as per regulatory requirement
Arrange transportation from factory to customer destination
Tracking of the product wise and customer wise distribution
provide the data to the quality assurance department as and when required.
Coordinate with customer and Quality Assurance for Mock Recall of actual Product Recall
I have tried to cover Key departments information in this article, however, the detailed information will be provided in subsequent Article and Short Note.
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